中原中也の詩 (最近の翻訳) Nakahara Cyuya’s Poems



 疲れやつれた美しい顔  A Tired, Haggard & Charming Face

疲れやつれた美しい顔よ、             A tired, haggard. and charming face!

私はおまへを愛す。                    I love you (your face) so much


Among a lot of cheerful faces which might be better as they should be so

私は容易におまへを⾒つける。      I would be able to find out your face easily

それはもう、疲れしぼみ、          Though it has been tired and faded out


Having only regret and lonely smiles


It is a jar in which numerous intimacies of this world


  •           Are tangled up and filled with the fragrant scent


In the jar the tales of pleasure or the tales of sorrow

彼のためには大きすぎる声で語られ、 Would be told too loudly for him

彼の瞳はうるみ、                     The pupils of his eyes would grow moist

語り手は去つてゆく。                And the story teller would leave away

彼が残るのは、十分諦めてだ  It might be real resignation that he has stayed there

だが諦めとは思はないでだ。      But he hasn’t thought it resignation to his fate

その時だ、その壺が花を開く、    At that very moment, the jar opens its flower

その花は、夜の部屋にみる、三色菫( さんしきすみれ)だ。

The flower is a Pansy he can see in his room at night

翻訳: 藤山 照夫              Translated by Teruo Fujiyama

November 6, 2023




わが半生                                   Half a Lifetime of Mine

中原中也                                              Chuya Nakahara

中原中也詩集 新潮文庫 p.174

私は随分苦労して来た。            I have struggled with adversity very much in my life

それがどうした苦労であったか、  I wouldn’t tell you what kind of adversity it was


またその苦労が果して価値の    I haven’t thought whether it was valuable or not



とにかく私は苦労して来た。     Anyway I have struggled with adversity very much

苦労して来たことであった!       I have seen many undue hardships in my life

そして、今、此処、机の前の、   And now, here, in front of my desk,

自分を見出すばっかりだ。      I would only find out myself (what I am)

じっと手を出し眺めるほどの           Holding out my hands forward

ことしか私は出来ないのだ。       I would only watch (stare) them fixedly

外では今宵、木の葉がそよぐ。    Outside, the leaves of trees rustle in the wind

はるかな気持の、春の宵だ。         It is the Evening of Spring, far faraway feeling

そして私は、静かに死ぬる、          And I would die silently here and now

坐ったまんまで、死んでゆくのだ。 I would die away, sitting down here

October 20  2024

翻訳: 藤山 照夫        Translated by Teruo Fujiyama




平安時代末期から鎌倉時代の初めを生きた僧侶で歌人, 桜を愛した歌人

  • 願わくは 花の下にて 春死なむ その如月の望月のころ

I pray that I may die under cherry blossom (trees ) in February

about the time of a full moon

翻訳: 藤山 照夫        Translated by Teruo Fujiyama









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