中原中也の四季の詩 The Poems of 4 Seasons by Chuya Nakahara







第1章 春



第2章 夏



「夏 (随筆)」

即ち 第4章 冬 の紹介が終わった箇所に掲載させていただく)


第3章 秋




第4章 冬





< 第1章 春 >          <SPRING.
 春の日の夕暮         The Evening of a Spring Day

トタンがセンベイ食べて       The Zinc roof is eating Japanese cracker
春の日の夕暮は穏かです         The evening of a spring day is calm (peaceful)
アンダースローされた灰が蒼ざめて  The ash thrown with underarm throwing turns pale
春の日の夕暮は静かです                      The evening of a spring day is very quiet
吁(ああ)! 案山子(かかし)はないか――あるまい

Ah! Are there any scarecrows? ――None

馬嘶(いなな)くか――嘶きもしまい Is any horse neighing? ――Not neighing

ただただ月の光のヌメランとするままにOnly the light of the moon is left hazy

従順なのは 春の日の夕暮か.              Is it the evening of a spring day that is obedient?


The Buddhist temple standing in the suburbs is crimson

荷馬車の車輪 油を失い                    The wheels of the wagon run short of oil

私が歴史的現在に物を云(い)えば  When I explain the present historically

嘲(あざけ)る嘲る 空と山とが      Both the sky and the mountains ridicule me

瓦が一枚 はぐれました                    One of the roofing tiles is turned up

これから春の日の夕暮は                    From now on, the evening of a spring day

無言(むごん)ながら 前進します Advances (takes a step forward) silently

自(みずか)らの 静脈管の中へです Into the veins of myself

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                           Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


春宵感懐            The Impression of a Spring Evening

雨が、あがつて、風が吹く。      The rain clears off, the wind blows

雲が、流れる、月かくす。        Drifting clouds float and hide the moon

みなさん、今夜は、春の宵(よひ。       Everybody, tonight it is a spring evening

なまあつたかい、風が吹く。        The lukewarm wind blows


なんだか、深い、溜息が、                     Somehow I breathe (heave) a deep sigh

なんだかはるかな、幻想が、                Somehow a remote illusion springs afresh

湧くけど、それは、掴(つか)めない。 However I cannot catch it at all

誰にも、それは、語れない。                I cannot tell (explain) it to anyone


誰にも、それは、語れない                    Though it is what I cannot tell to anyone

ことだけれども、それこそが、             It itself is

いのちだらうぢやないですか、            Just my precious life, isn’t it?

けれども、それは、示(あ)かせない…… But I cannot show it clearly……


かくて、人間、ひとりびとり、            Thus, Man, one by one, feels it in his mind

こころで感じて、顔見合せれば            If he looks at each other,

につこり笑ふといふほどの                   He smiles broadly (sweetly, faintly)

ことして、一生、過ぎるんですねえ    In this way he passes through life, doesn’t he?


雨が、あがつて、風が吹く。                The rain clears off,  the wind blows

雲が、流れる、月かくす。                     Drifting clouds float and hide the moon

みなさん、今夜は、春の宵。                Everybody, tonight it is a spring evening

なまあつたかい、風が吹く。                The lukewarm wind blows

翻訳:藤山 照夫          Translated by Teruo Fujiyama



   とにもかくにも春である                           At Any Rate It is Spring Now



       This year there have been many suicides in Mt.Mihara-yama


とにもかくにも春である、                              At any rate it is spring now

帝都は省線電車の上から見ると,              Looking around from the government electric trains


                                       We can see zinc roofs and cherry blossoms jumbled

花曇りの空は、その上にひろがって      The hazy sky in the flower season spreads over them

何もかも、睡(ねむ)がっている。       Everything seems to be sleepy


As everybody has been accustomed to suffering, they welcome spring silently

おしろいの塗り方の拙(まず)い女      Even a woman who is bad at powdering her face


Even a man wearing a spring over-coat stowed away

Without cleaning, would welcome spring silently


If spring itself comes here as it pleases, and goes away as it pleases


                             Bloom! Cherry blossoms! Shine! The Sun!

                             With the manner of speech whose stomach is out of order

吊帯にぶる下っている。                          Spring is hanging from a strap of the trains

薔薇色(ばらいろ)の埃(ほこ)りの中に、Among the rose-colored  dust


In the compartment of the trains Spring has come, and Spring is sleeping


Just like the dried up envy, Spring has stagnated here


翻訳:藤山 照夫                                          Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


吹く風を心の友と                    Blowing Wind!  My Bosom Friend!

吹く風を心の友と                                      Making the blowing wind my bosom friend

口笛に心まぎらはし                                I used to divert my mind by whistling


The spring of 15 years of age,when I walked through the milk vetch rice-field

煙のやうに、野羊のやうに、パルプのやうにJust like smoke, like a wild sheep, like pulp

とんで行つて、もう今頃は、                Flown away, at this time of the year

どこか遠い別の世界で花咲いてゐるであらうか Are they blooming in another world far away?

耳を澄ますと                                         Straining my ears, I can hear it far from here


Being abashed like the color of the milk vetch


Is that a far correspondence from the spring of 15 years of age?

滲むやうに、日が暮れても空のどこかに   Even though it’s got dark, becoming blurred

あの日の昼のまゝに                    Somewhere in the sky just like the midday of that day


I feel (that) that time, the sound of that time is going by


Where is it? ――Anyway I wish I could go there

心一杯に懺悔して                      If possible, I would like to confess whole-heartedly


And live again with my sincere desire of being forgiven

僕は努力家にならうと思ふんだ――   From now on I would like to be a hard worker


翻訳:藤山 照夫                                         Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


< 第2章 夏 >            < SUMMER >
     初夏の夜                                                       The Night of Early Summer


また今年(こんねん)も夏が来て、               Summer has come this year, too

夜は、蒸気(じょうき)で出来た白熊が、   At night a white bear with a cloud of steam

(At night a white bear made from a cloud of steam)

沼をわたってやってくる。                           Comes this way crossing the swamp

――色々のことがあったんです。 ――        Various events have happened

色々のことをして来たものです。                I have done and experienced various things

嬉(うれ)しいことも、あったのですが、 Though there were some happy events

回想されては、すべてがかなしい              If I recollect, I find that all of them are sorrowful

鉄製の、軋音(あつおん)さながら          The sound of grating against the iron or steel

なべては夕暮迫(せま)るけはいに          In the signs that the evening is drawing near

幼年も、老年も、青年も壮年も          Infants, old men, youths, and men in the prime of life, too

共々に余りに可憐(かれん)な声をばあげて、Together giving lovely shouts

薄暮の中で舞う蛾(が)の下で                Under the moths flying in the twilight

はかなくも可憐な顎をしているのです。   They are all showing their lovely jaws


And then, tonight even though it is a moonlit night


Loud noise from the far place comes on the wind pleasantly

なにがなし悲しい思いであるのは、         Somehow the reason why I feel sorrowful was

消えたばかしの鉄橋の響音(きょうおん)、The fading sound of the railroad bridge

  1. 大河(おおかわ)の、その鉄橋の上方に、空はぼんやりと石盤色(せきばんいろ)であるのです。                        Upward of the railroad bridge of the great river, the sky looks slate vaguely

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                                         Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


          夏                                                                              Summer

血を吐くような 倦(もの)うさ、たゆけさ      The languidness of spitting blood, weariness


                        Today also the sun shines on the field (farm) shining over the wheat

睡(ねむ)るがような悲しさに、み空をとおく  To the sadness of being asleep in the far sky

血を吐くような倦うさ、たゆけさ                       The languidness of spitting blood, weariness

空は燃え、畑はつづき                                         The sky is burning, the fields (farm) spread far

雲浮び、眩(まぶ)しく光り                              The clouds float in the sky, shining brightly


  1.                        Today also the sun is burning (blazing), the ground is sleeping

血を吐くようなせつなさに。                             To the painfulness of spitting blood

嵐のような心の歴史は                                        The history of mind, which is like a tempest

終焉(おわ)ってしまったもののように           As if it were something having died


Like something that there is no thread to pull in

燃ゆる日の彼方(かなた)に睡る。                  Summer is sleeping far beyond the burning sun


翻訳:藤山 照夫                                               Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


    逝く夏の歌                                       The Song of The Departing Summer


並木の梢(こずえ)が深く息を吸って、 The treetops of roadside trees take a deep breath

空は高く高く、それを見ていた。            The sky is clear and very high, A man is watching it

日の照る砂地に落ちていた硝子(ガラス)を、   A traveler who has come on foot finds


A piece of glass fallen on the sand-pit shone by the sun

山の端(は)は、澄(す)んで澄んで、 The edge of the mountain is very clear

金魚や娘の口の中を清く           It makes the inside of mouth of the goldfish and daughter clean

飛んで来るあの飛行機には、    Yesterday I had painted the tears of an insect

昨日私が昆虫の涙を塗っておいた。   On that airplane (aero-plane) flying this way

風はリボンを空に送り、              The wind blows the ribbon into the sky


I am going to tell you the story of the sea into which I once fell

その浪(なみ)のことを語ろうと思う。And the story of the waves


The story of the cavalry regiment and the movement of the upper limbs


The story of the lower level public official’s red shoes


I am going to tell you the story of a running bicycle without a rider


Along the narrow path at the foot of the mountain

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                        Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama



< 第3章 秋 >           < AUTUMN >
          秋                                                                          Autumn

昨日まで燃えていた野が                               The greens that had been blazing till yesterday

今日茫然として、曇った空の下につづく。 Is in a daze, stretching away under the dark sky


People say, “It gets warmer with each rainfall.”


The autumn cicadas are already singing over there

草の中の、ひともとの木の中に。               Under a big tree in the grass I smoke tobacco

僕は煙草(たばこ)を喫(す)う。その煙が   The smoke rises up spirally

澱(よど)んだ空気の中をくねりながら昇る。 Through the stagnated air


Although I want to watch the horizon, it is impossible


As the ghosts of the shimmering of the air is waving up and down

――僕は蹲(しゃが)んでしまう。 ――I have squatted down on the ground


The sky is cloudy with the dim golden light


As usual the sky is so high, I look down with downcast


I have resigned myself to fatigue, I have three kinds of flavor in smoking tobacco

死ももう、とおくはないのかもしれない…… My death might be not so far

『それではさよならといって、                      Saying “Well, Good by!”

みょうに真鍮(しんちゅう)の光沢かなんぞのような笑(えみ)を湛(たた)えて彼奴(あいつ)は、                                                         With such a smile as the luster of brass,

あのドアの所を立ち去ったのだったあね。  That guy was at that door and left there


That laughter was not that of the living


That guy’s eyes were the color of the clear water of swamp (bog)


While speaking, he looked as if he were thinking of other thing

短く切って、物を云うくせがあったあね。  He had a tendency to speak word by word


He used to remember the trifles clearly and exactly


Yes, he did. ―He had known he would be dying


While he was watching the stars, he said, “The star becomes me.”

with laughing.   It was only a few days ago



Only a few days ago. he insisted that these pairs of Geta (wooden clogs) were not his

草がちっともゆれなかったのよ、                          The blades of grass didn’t wave at all

その上を蝶々(ちょうちょう)がとんでいたのよ。A butterfly was flying over them


Wearing Yukata (summer dishabille), he was standing on the veranda and watching it

あたしこっちからあの人の様子 見てたわよ。      I was watching him from this side

あの人ジッと見てるのよ、黄色い蝶々を。             He was watching a yellow butterfly fixedly


The trumpets of bean curd sellers were sounding here and there


――Saying. ”I tu– “ he turned towards me


He said, “Yesterday I turned up a thirty-kan (113kg) of stone.”

――まあどうして、どこで?ってあたし訊いたのよ。――”Oh! Why? Where?” I asked him

するとね、あの人あたしの目をジッとみるのよ、    Then he gazed at my eyes fixedly


He looked very angry with me, I was so horrible


We human being would get strange (odd) before death, don’ we?

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                               Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


 一つのメルヘン                                                 One Fairy Tale

秋の夜(よ)は、はるかの彼方(かなた)に、  At night in Autumn.  Far faraway

小石ばかりの、河原があって、                          There is a stony river-bed (river-beach)

それに陽は、さらさらと                                     Against the river-bed the sun is shining

さらさらと射しているのでありました。            The sun is shining with pleasant sound


The sun, which is something like silica

非常な個体の粉末のようで、                              Something like the powder of a solid body

さればこそ、さらさらと                                     That’s why it is making a faint sound

かすかな音を立ててもいるのでした。               With a pleasant sound

さて小石の上に、今しも一つの蝶がとまり、    Now, a butterfly is settling on a small stone

淡い、それでいてくっきりとした                      Which casts a shadow (silhouette)

影を落としているのでした。                             A faint, but vivid shadow (silhouette)

やがてその蝶がみえなくなると、いつのまにか、Soon after the butterfly disappears


                On the river-bed, where there has been no water flowing


                        There has appeared a flowing river with a pleasant sound……

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                              Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


   臨 終                                                              One’s Deathbed


秋空は鈍色(にびいろ)にして                 The sky of autumn is dark gray

黒馬の瞳のひかり                                          It is the light of a black horse’s pupil

水涸(か)れて落つる百合花                     It’s the flower of lily falling by being dried up

ああ こころうつろなるかな                     Ah, how hollow (vacant) my mind is!

神もなくしるべもなくて                               Without God nor any initiation (guide)

窓近く婦(おみな)の逝きぬ                        A woman has departed this life by the window

白き空盲(めし)いてありて                      With her eyes opened white

白き風冷たくありぬ                                    The white wind is cold

窓際に髪を洗えば                                          When I wash her hair by the window

その腕の優しくありぬ                                   Her arms are soft and mild

朝の日は澪(こぼ)れてありぬ                  The morning sun has shone weakly over her

                                                        (The morning sun filters through the curtains)

水の音(おと)したたりていぬ                  Only the sound of water is dripping

町々はさやぎてありぬ                                  Whole the town is rustling in the wind

子等の声もつれてありぬ                              The voices of children are also quivering

しかはあれ この魂はいかにとなるか?  By the way how is the soul becoming?

うすらぎて 空となるか?                        Is it becoming thin and vacant (empty)?

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                             Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


     漂々と口笛吹いて                        Whistling with a Light Heart

漂々(ひょうひょう)と 口笛吹いて 地平の辺(べ)Whistling with a light heart

歩き廻(まわ)るは……                              Walking around across the ground

一枝(ひとえ)の ポプラを肩に ゆさゆさと Carrying a branch of poplar on the shoulder

葉を翻(ひるが)えし 歩き廻るは                   Swinging back and forth, fluttering the leaves

褐色(かちいろ)の 海賊帽子(かいぞくぼうし) ひょろひょろの

Walking around, putting on a brown pirate cap

ズボンを穿(は)いて 地平の辺(べ)             Wearing a slender pair of trousers across the ground

森のこちらを すれすれに                          This side of the woods, close to it

目立たぬように 歩いているのは                      Walking inconspicuously

あれは なんだ? あれは なんだ?              What is that? What is that?

あれは 単なる呑気者(のんきもの)か?       Is that just an easy-going fellow?

あれはサ 秋サ ただなんとなく                    That is Autumn. without knowing why

おまえの 意欲を 嗤(わら)いに 来たのサHe has come here to laugh at your will

あんまり あんまり ただなんとなく           That ‘s too much. without knowing why

嗤いに 来たのサ おまえの 意欲を         He has come here to laugh at  your will

嗤うことさえよしてもいいと                       Soon at the time

やがてもあいつが思う頃には                       When he judges he may stop laughing

嗤うことさえよして し ま えと        When he judges to stop even laughing

やがてもあいつがひきとるときには     Soon when he withdraws from here

冬が来るのサ 冬が 冬が                              Winter will come. Winter! Winter!

野分(のわき)の 色の 冬が 来るのサ    Winter with the color of wintry blast will come

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                             Translated by Teruo Fujiyama




< 第4章 冬 >           < WINTER >
雪が降っている……                                            It Is Snowing Now


雪が降っている、                                 It is snowing now

とおくを。                                        Far from here

雪が降っている、                                 It is snowing now

とおくを。                                        Far from here

捨てられた羊かなんぞのように           Just like a deserted sheep

とおくを、                                        Far from here

雪が降っている、                                 It is snowing now

とおくを。                                        Far from here

たかい空から、                                     From the high place in the sky

とおくを、                                         Far from here

とおくを                                                Far from here

とおくを、                                          Far from here

お寺の屋根にも、                                 On the roof of the temple, too

それから、                                         And

お寺の森にも、                                     Over the forest (woods) of the temple

それから、                                        And

たえまもなしに。                                 Without intermission

空から、                                            From the sky

雪が降っている                                    It is snowing now

それから、                                        And

兵営にゆく道にも、                             On the road leading to the barracks

それから、                                         And

日が暮れかかる、                                 It is getting dark

それから、                                         And

喇叭(らっぱ)がきこえる。               I can hear a bugle note (trumpet)

それから、                                         And

雪が降っている、                                 It is snowing now

なおも。                                             Still (Even now)

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                         Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


     冬の夜                                                           The Night of Winter


みなさん今夜は静かです                          Everybody, it is very quiet tonight

薬鑵(やかん)の音がしています           The sound of a boiling kettle is singing (rattling)

僕は女を想(おも)ってる                      I am thinking of a young woman (lady)

僕には女がないのです                             I don’t have any female friends

それで苦労もないのです                         So, I do not have any troubles (hardships)

えもいわれない弾力の                            With the elastic force beyond description

空気のような空想に                               In my aerial fantasy

女を描(えが)いてみているのです      I am drawing (imagining) a young woman (lady)

えもいわれない弾力の                           With the elastic force beyond description

澄み亙(わた)ったる夜(よ)の沈黙(しじま)In the silence of perfectly clear night

薬鑵の音を聞きながら                          Listening to the sound of singing kettle

女を夢みているのです                          I am dreaming of a young woman (lady)

かくて夜(よ)は更(ふ)け夜は深まって Thus the night goes (wears) on

犬のみ覚めたる冬の夜は                      Late at night in winter, when only a dog is awake

影と煙草と僕と犬                                 Shadow, tobacco, myself, and the dog

えもいわれないカクテールです           It’s a glass of cocktail beyond description

空気よりよいものはないのです          Is there any thing better than air?


There isn’t any thing better than the air of room at cold night in winter

煙よりよいものはないのです             There is nothing better than smoke

煙より 愉快なものもないのです      There is nothing jollier than smoke

やがてはそれがお分りなのです          Soon you will find it true

同感なさる時が 来るのです             The time when you agree with it will come

空気よりよいものはないのです         There is nothing better than air


Like the hands of lean mature woman at cold night

その手の弾力のような やわらかい またかたい Like the elastic and soft hands

かたいような その手の弾力のような  And yet hard and elastic

煙のような その女の情熱のような   Smoky, the burning passion of the woman

炎(も)えるような 消えるような   Like something burning, disappearing

冬の夜の室内の 空気よりよいものはないのです

There isn’t any thing better than the air of room at cold night in winter

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                             Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


   冬の長門峡                                               The Vale of Chomon-kyo in Winter


Water was flowing in the vale of Chomon-kyo

寒い寒い日なりき。                                   It was a very cold, very cold day

われは料亭にありぬ。                               I was in a rustic restaurant (inn)

酒酌(く)みてありぬ。                           Drinking a cup of Sake (Japanese wine) by myself

われのほか別に、                                     There were no other guests

客とてもなかりけり。                               Except me myself


Water was just like something that has its soul

流れ流れてありにけり。                          It was  flowing on and on

やがても密柑(みかん)の如き夕陽、    Soon the setting sun such a tangerine

欄干(らんかん)にこぼれたり。           Has fallen on the parapet of the bridge

ああ! ――そのような時もありき、    Ah! ――There was such a time

寒い寒い 日なりき。                             When it was a very cold,  a very cold day

翻訳:藤山 照夫                                            Translated by:Teruo Fujiyama


     寒い!                                                         Oh, it’s very cold
                                                                          (How cold it is today!)

毎日寒くてやりきれぬ。                                  Every day I really cannot stand this cold


Even the roofing tiles become cheerless and silent

小鳥も啼(な)かないくせにして                   Though birds are not singing

犬なぞ啼きます風の中。                                 Dogs are barking in the cold wind


The busy thoroughfare on which thrown stones fly;

地面は乾いて艶(つや)もない。                The surface of the road is dry and lusterless

自動車の、タイヤの色も寒々と                  The automobiles, whose color of the tires looks cold

僕を追い越し走りゆく。                             Pass me ahead and run away

山もいたって殺風景(さっぷうけい)、   The mountains are inelegant and tasteless

鈍色(にびいろ)の空にあっけらかん。   And abstracted against the dark gray sky

部屋に籠(こも)れば僕なぞは.                 Shut myself up in a room

愚痴(ぐち)っぽくなるばかりです。       I would become querulous

こう寒くてはやりきれぬ。                         I really cannot stand this cold

お行儀(ぎょうぎ)のよい人々が、           I don’ care a bit

笑おうとなんとかまはない                         Whether the well-mannered people laugh at me

わめいて春を呼びましょう……                 Let us shout and call Spring to come……


翻訳:藤山 照夫                                            Translated by :Teruo Fujiyama





日本近代随筆選2 (岩波文庫) P.198


 Summer (Essay)

By Chuya Nakahara

A Collection of Modern Japanese Essays II   P.198  (Iwanami Bunko)

As I am very poor, as for travelling, it might be almost always in summer when I would go on a journey. ·······Hearing ‘Summer’, I would feel melancholy on a journey. Indeed far from the saying, “Summer is the most flourishing time of nature of the four seasons.”  SomehowI feel a little sorrowful (pitiful) and longing (wistful). When I think how I should make a journey this summer, at once the past experience I have ever made would come across my mind: the scene of a very hot day when I went on a journey. Thinking in this way, what a remote place I have come to! My heart would swell with such a sweet feeling:


Weeping willows are swaying (swinging) in the wind. It is a servant (porter) or someone who sometimes walks across the school grounds. It is not a student. Sometime the students

wearing undershirts (vests) for Japanese fencing appear out of the entrance of the Japanese fencing hall. As they are the representative fencers (athletes), they train themselves even during the summer vacation without going home. They go out of the hall to drink water, opening their robes (dressing gown, Japanese underwear Kimono) at the front hems and putting on their pairs of shoes like slippers. It is not strange at all that they look very familiar (friendly) and brave (courageous), when they look at my face. The school grounds is somewhat the color of sand tinged with red. The window glass of the closed school rooms are shining like mica. ——This is the memory of my journey when I dropped at the Mikage Normal School (Teachers College) during my journey to Hyogo Prefecture in Kansai district.



The teacher of ethics (moral science) , when I was a high school student, is still working here as a teacher (professor) of ethics. He is staying at the school residence. He doesn’t have any children yet. He reads books or takes a little nap wearing a plain one piece in summer. His wife appears to be tedious (boring). However when the evening gets near, he begins to water around his house and garden with bare feet. His wife prepares meals for dinner faithfully.

I help him to water, too. When I lower the well-bucket into the well and draw up water with a well-bucket, I must be very careful not to touch the cooled watermelon in the well. It would be easier to draw up water, if I take out the watermelon for a short time. But my teacher, not only today but also every day, draws up water as it is, when the watermelon is kept cooled there. It seems that I must not change the present conditions even a short time .


I beg your pardon for writing a lack of resourcefulness. I wanted to write the deep (profound) emotions which flash through (across) my mind, when summer comes. However it is simply unspeakable; the flashing sights of the platform at the moment linger in my mind for a long

time with a sweet impression, Even though it is only a simple fact, whenever it lingers before

my eyes (comes across my mind), I would have a strong (burning, heart-rending) desire to express in my heart. But it is beyond description for me to express my feelings to the readers. Therefore having the heart-rending desire to express, I would cherish the fugitive wish to express in some style; an essay, a novel, or a poem sometime in future.


I would set out on a journey this year, too. Probably I would go on a journey to Hyuga in Kyushu.

A friend of mine lives in a small rural village next to the village where Bokusui Wakayama a well-known poet was born. He said to me to come and see him. If I should call at his house, I would drink a liquor (Japanese Sake) again. Sake would make me weaken especially in summer. I hope and pray that I would not drink Sake, but at the end of my tether, when it gets dark and the moon appears on the brink (verge, ridge) of mountains, I would begin to drink Sake.


At a station on the way to Buzen Nagasu, I would get off the train. I would like to visit the temple Saikouji temple, where I stayed and enjoyed my boyhood life. Then I start walking along the rough and dusty road on the bank from the temple to the town of Nakatsu, On my right there spreads a vast salt farm (field), where clouds of smoke rise from the chimney parching (producing, burning ) salt, far beyond the salt farm, very low range of mountains lie far away. On my left the Kunisaki-hanto Peninsula stretches away to the skyline.  Halfway between Saikouji temple and the town stands a stone column that shows the boundary between Buzen and Bunngo district. At midday in summer, when not a soul is to be seen walking in the street, I would walk alone wiping the sweat from my brow. Then, a friend of mine in Tokyo——the present friend whom I suddenly would begin to yearn for. While I would be too ashamed to return to Tokyo. It is a matter for deep satisfaction that along this road I would continue to walk to the town of Nakatsu, and that arriving at Nakatsu ,I would drop in at Sake restaurant (tavern) and enjoy my half day talking with a woman at the shop. After that I would continue to walk along the rough and dusty road again under the blazing heat of the sun——Any way I would like to get off at the station in Buzen-Nagasu.



Generally speaking, it is not so good for us to visit again the place where we had lived in past years. However it is painful for me to finish my journey without seeing the dear old place.

To tell the truth, it is the best to visit the place again in case some urgent business has turned up there. But it would not seem that I could have some business to do in Buzen-Nagasu area in my life. Nevertheless the memories of that area are very dear and unforgettable to me, Anyway I would like to get off the train, when I go to Hyuga in Miyazaki prefecture this summer. Writing this essay now in this way, I would feel as if I am going to forget going to Hyuga. To that extent I would like to get off at the station Buzen-Nagasu. Even though I had gotten off there, it might be only possible that I would be suffered from walking along that dusty road. ——Making a bare living (Spending my daily life) in a retrospective mood, I would cherish a deeper recollection. Though it would be foolish to get off at the station with a cherished desire to visit that place, I would be getting off there ·····.

In this way, my summer passes away every year. In the deep blue sky, the deep white clouds

are glaring and only my heart’s desire swells in the full. I don’t know what’s what.


翻訳:藤山 照夫                                            Translated by :Teruo Fujiyama







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